e-Bikes powered by the Sun(™)!

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Contact Frisco e-Bikes + Solar Docks

If you would like to know more about Frisco e-BikesTM and the Frisco Solar DocksTM please get in touch using the contact form below or on the contact details provided.

We are keen to speak with potential Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investors who are keen to make a difference by providing investors with an equitable return alongside a social and environmental conscience.  Recognising the importance of the 3Ps, “Profit, People and the Planet”. More details at Investors & Sponsors

We would love to hear from employers and users who recognise the benefits that Frisco e-BikesTM and the Frisco Solar DocksTM can offer their staff or just for personal use. More details at employers & users.

Contact Details


+44 (0)1382 297137


Unit 8, The Vision Building,
20 Greenmarket, Dundee. DD1 4QB

Frisco e-bikes eco travel
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How can we help you?

Frisco e-Bikes and Solar Docks is a trading name of Frisco Project Management Consultancy Services Ltd.    Registered in Scotland No: SC572073

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